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Spirit of Earth – October Oracle Intuitive Reading – Year Wheel 2024
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Spirit of Earth – October Oracle Intuitive Reading – Year Wheel 2024

Spirit of Earth… We have already seen this card during this reading series this year. This card came out, if you watched my Year Wheel video from the beginning. It is the October card but it had already turned itself over when I was shuffling, making itself known. So, the Spirit of Earth has been at play in all of the Year’s readings this whole time through to this month. The big strong stone sandy rocks, the sunrise or the sunset, the sorts of earth and rock, and cacti and grasses found in the kinds of desert areas.

Spirit of Earth… This is October. This is a month where those in the north are heading towards the darkest phase of the year, in terms of light, with the least amount of daylight. We are heading towards what is for some people, a type of new year beginning, as we head into the depth of dark, and towards Winter. For those in the south of course it's the opposite, it isn't the same, but you might still celebrate Halloween as many people do.

At this time of year, with this card and its energies, look at everything in your year so far. Connect to that root within you, that root of connecting with the Earth, that Spirit of Earth. Feel called to connect with the planet. Connect with your life and your existence on this planet. So far this year, we've had other cards that talk about spirit, about emotions and thoughts, and tools and sight, all of this. Here we connect to the Earth and with the Earth. You as a human being experiencing life on this planet and experiencing the planet itself - the Spirit of Earth. Those who work as Guardians, those who worked as Elementals, those who work as Protectors of the Earth, as well as the Earth herself, Mother Earth, Gaia. It brings all she represents, all she brings, all she asks, and all she is experiencing with us and through us. It is also all she is asking of us and offering to us.  

Come into those roots… This would be a great place if you work with the chakras, or the energy centres, to really check in with that root chakra (first chakra), especially with this colouring from this card. You can go through the first three chakras of course. We've also done some healing which can be the heart chakra area with that Love and Compassion September card and others. We had communication earlier which can be the throat chakra and then we were dealing a lot with thoughts and mindset.

This one comes into the root, rooting down into the Earth. Rooting your energy. What are your roots? You can look at some of your fundamental beliefs here - how are they working for you - how are they not? Where are they playing? Where have you shifted them and are changing? And, Is it time for a new revamp, a new rooting, or a new basic core? Is it time for a new way of looking at things or coming back to your core? Coming into your core as if it's a new discovery or a reminder.

Exploring your root chakra, your sacral chakra, and your solar plexus chakra, which are the red, orange, and yellow in terms of colouring, could be really important in this October month. Those are also often the colours that come with the Autumn season, for those of us who would be in Fall at this point. The trees change from the green we see through the summer months, unless they are evergreens of course. The deciduous trees have leaves often changing to the browns, the reds, the yellows, the oranges, and even pinks. The connecting in and going into the land with that rooting, is very valuable, very important, and very interesting for you in October.

The sun may be setting in some ways (as seen on this card’s image) but in other ways there's always that light in the dark and your root is going to give you access to that inner deep light. The inner deep light is represented in the Earth by her Fire, by her own energy, plus you, your spirit, your soul, and your own energy. The light never really leaves, it just changes and shifts and adapts as it needs to because of the cycles, because of life, because of experience, and because of the adventure of it all. In many ways you wanted that adventure, whether you think you do now or not, you wanted it! So, the Spirit of Earth is coming to remind you of that balance and to remind you of that centering as we previously had with the June card. Centre, balance… all that awareness you've had with the other cards leading to this month, but now rooting, core beliefs, core values, core messaging, from your soul, from your spirit, and from your body including your mind, your heart, and your soul. Your physical body as well, your gut - core messaging and root messaging.

Also there is celebration… celebrating the dark and celebrating the light. Feeling the essence of the Earth as she comes back to herself (for those of us in the North), and seeing how she does it, so that we can be reminded ourselves. I love it.

Don't forget with this card too, to remember the water and the emotions that we've had in other cards through this year, with the Love card and with the Page of Cups. Even with the Iceberg card there are reminders so that we don't go too far into a desert mode. We need to keep some of that flowing…

Peace, Love, and wondrous Earth connections,


BlueWater Oracle

The Spirit of Earth card is from the Native Spirit Oracle Cards by Denise Linn, published by Hay House. Thank you for the wisdom and guidance through your cards!

This is the written edited version of my October video reading. Check out all the insights and reading messages in my Year Wheel video plus the theme cards for the whole year. Here is the direct link to the October card reading section:

This written version is also available at my BlueWater Oracle Faceboook Page here.

The Spirit of Earth theme card video section can be directly linked to here:

#SpiritofEarth #nativespirit #loveiseverything #Compassion #everydayisearthday #motherearth #bluewateroracle #sheilabicknell #oracleintuitive #cardreading #cardofthemonth #october2024 #healingenergy #grounding #balance #DeniseLinn #hayhouse #oraclewisdom #IntuitiveWisdom #intuitiveguidance #oraclecards #oraclecardreading #vaudreuildorion #montrealcanada #wakethewisdom #earthenergies #centre #energycentres #yourroots #yourbeliefs

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