Oracle Intuitive Guidance!
What if through one conversation you are given access to insights that will most align you with who you are and what you need right now. Not the surface stuff, although that may come too, but rather the deep moments of knowing, of connection, of shifting and choices, and of bringing balance to your life. And the magical mystical spirit aspects too. Those that bring Source with Universe, Human, Heart, and Earth all together. Fascinating isn't it? Energy and vibration speaking through messages, images, symbols, and great conversations.
Let's come together, pull some cards, welcome intuitive insights, invite Oracle Wisdom, and guide the path of this wild wacky and completely extraordinary life. Your life. Extrasensory. Intuitive. Sensitive. Learning & Growing. Actions through Choices. Healing and Being. One with Yourself, One with the Whole. Ever Exploring.
Let's dance! Your cards and messages today are...

About ME
Questions & Answers
If anyone would have told me that I would be a guide through the deepest most profound adventures of life, I would have laughed at them. And yet, here I am. Witness to things beyond only sight and sound, known and unknown, to help you in the here and now.
You have questions, there are answers. They may come in ways you expect or through unique roads less travelled, but they are usually here and we find them.
As an Oracle, I use Oracle Cards to give insight about the now in a person’s life. With the cards and my intuition, we bring light to what you would most like or need to know, accessing and activating your inner knowing. Do you need clarification about a topic or situation? Is there an issue you would like to better understand or work though? Are you looking for a confirmation about a feeling or a circumstance? Would you like to have guidance on the next action to take or reflection to make? Or is it time for a stronger connection with your highest self, your intuition, Spirit, and the universe around us?
My Oracle Card Readings are not really fortune-telling or psychic predictions, nor are they usually connection with people who have passed over to spirit (although it may happen!). They provide something stronger: they are a connection with YOU! With the self that whispers to you, that asks you to notice and to be aware, to feel and to reflect. Whether you think about this as messages from You, your Higher Self, Spirit, or your Soul, it wants only the best for you. Sometimes our lives are so busy and thought-filled, we need a pause to help us listen. At other times, we think we know or realize something but it comes with a big question mark and uncertainty. When that call to listen & to clarify comes, light & wisdom can be brought with insight, information, and guidance. Through an Oracle Intuitive Reading, Conversation, or Consultation, we can break free into this light!
I look forward to connecting…
Please feel welcome to look at the rest of my site!
Reach out with all and any questions or for more information. 🙂
As an Oracle, I use Oracle Cards to give insight about the now in a person’s life. With the cards and my intuition, we bring light to what you would most like or need to know, accessing and activating your inner knowing. Do you need clarification about a topic or situation? Is there an issue you would like to better understand or work though? Are you looking for a confirmation about a feeling or a circumstance? Would you like to have guidance on the next action to take or reflection to make? Or is it time for a stronger connection with your highest self, your intuition, Spirit, and the universe around us?
My Oracle Card Readings are not really fortune-telling or psychic predictions, nor are they usually connection with people who have passed over to spirit (although it may happen!). They provide something stronger: they are a connection with YOU! With the self that whispers to you, that asks you to notice and to be aware, to feel and to reflect. Whether you think about this as messages from You, your Higher Self, Spirit, or your Soul, it wants only the best for you. Sometimes our lives are so busy and thought-filled, we need a pause to help us listen. At other times, we think we know or realize something but it comes with a big question mark and uncertainty. When that call to listen & to clarify comes, light & wisdom can be brought with insight, information, and guidance. Through an Oracle Intuitive Reading, Conversation, or Consultation, we can break free into this light!
I look forward to connecting…
Please feel welcome to look at the rest of my site!
Reach out with all and any questions or for more information. 🙂

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