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Receiving from Angels – December Oracle Intuitive Reading
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Receiving from Angels – December Oracle Intuitive Reading

Receiving from Angels – December Oracle Intuitive Reading - Year Wheel 2024

The last card of the year comes through for December and then we pull a couple of extra theme cards to add to the Spirit of Earth card which showed itself at the beginning of the Year Wheel session. This December card is from the Gateway Oracle deck - we pull Receiving from Angels.

Receiving from Angels with the affirmation “Shimmering wings of angels embrace me with love.”

So far this year, through the other cards we have had Hearing Messages from Spirit, Enthusiasm, Love, and lots of other insights and tools available to you. Then you come to December with Receiving from Angels. Whether December is your Winter or your Summer, whether it is a time you are celebrating all that is Winter Solstice or all that is Summer Solstice, allow the Angelic presence to come in with that. As you are going through either your brightest time of the year or find yourself in your darkest time of the calendar year, of the Earth’s year cycle.

What are you receiving through your Queen energy stance from November’s Queen of Cups? With all the feelings, all the emotions of the Cups; all the abundance, all the flow, and all the strength of that Queen? Also, all that is birthing into the next phase in this December?

Receiving from Angels - “Shimmering wings of angels embrace me with love.” Reminding yourself of that core essence. What did you identify as your roots through this year’s other cards like the Spirit of Earth and Love - Compassion. What did you identify as your roots, as your core? Was love one of them? Hopefully it was and this is a reminder of that. Receiving from Angels with being supported and being surrounded.

If you have not already, before this point or by this point, connected with your Angelic team, this is a great time to do so. Connecting with your Guardian Angels if you choose, if that feels good to you. You also have Archangels you can work with and many, many others that have tools and skills and are available to work with you. Your Guardian Angels are there as you are their “job” - you might have two, you might have four… it just depends on who you are and what you need. Take a moment if you don't already connect with them, to just say Hi. It doesn't have to be a big formal thing, although it can be. Say hello, welcome them in, connect with them, and say “Hi, thanks for helping out. Thanks for surrounding me with love. Thank you for bringing your wings of energy around me, protecting me, when I need, guiding me when I need, and bringing me insights when it's necessary for me.” Breathe that in.

How does that feel? Whether you believe in Angels or not, how does that feel to know that there is support, that there are teams available just for you, as a human living on this planet, with spiritual energy, with soul energy, but a human existence, human body, and human experience. How does that feel? Welcome all of that up through this point of the year, through all of these cards of 2024, and then into December. Really embrace it.

A reminder that this is not about a religious holiday or a religious stance, this is about teams that are there for you and working with you. You have the opportunity as you have with the guidance and insights through all of these different cards this year, to choose to invite them in, to choose to work with them and their skills and their tools. That's entirely up to you.

This is beautiful messaging.

Remember that you can also ask for signs. There are feathers on this card which are often seen as signs. You can ask for signs - they can be feathers, they can be intuitive knowing, and many others. You can get to know “what are my signs?” - Do I get insights popping in my head? Do I get visions? Do I see things in my physical life like feathers or coins or birds or butterflies or numbers or words, or hear songs? What is happening for you? Do you feel it in your body? Do you get the shivers or the goosebumps or Angel bumps? Do you get other messaging through your physical body? Or is it an emotional response?

How do you connect with your Spirit Team or your Angelic Team, and how do they connect with you and your energy, your spirit?

So beautiful… a beautiful end to the year.

As you have gone through all the cards to this point, remember that you don’t or didn’t have to wait until December 2024 to bring this messaging in but now, in December, it is highlighted and is a big reminder. It might make you say “Oh I totally forgot about that all year!” and here it is as a way to end the year, to have that 12th month of the year and all it brings.

All the cards come together for and from our 2024 year. January - Iceberg-Submerged, February - Four of Swords, March - Seven of Swords, April - Hearing Messages from Spirit, May - Owl-Wise seeing, wise action, June - Surrender Defensiveness, July – Enthusiasm, with joy and light, August - Page of Cups, September - Love and Compassion, October - Spirit of Earth, November - Queen of Cups, and December - Receiving from Angels. Note that the only card that has come from 2023 through to 2024 is the Queen of Cups, that exact deck and that exact card. Exciting and really interesting.

You are invited to reflect back on all these cards as they are pertinent to you or if there were important life moments during the months of this year. You can find them and their readings here on my website, my Facebook Page, as well as in the Year Wheel video (find links below). Remember to have a look at the theme cards for the year too! Spirit of Earth, Water Dragon, and Dawn – New Beginnings. What did they mean in your year, and what do they mean looking ahead to 2025?

Peace, Light, and lots of Love from me and the Angels,

BlueWater Oracle

The Receiving from Angels card is from the Gateway Oracle Cards by Denise Linn, published by Hay House. Thank you for the wisdom and guidance through your cards!

This is the written edited version of my December video reading. Check out all the insights and reading messages in my Year Wheel video plus the theme cards for the whole year. Here is the direct link to the December card reading video section:

The Water Dragon theme card video section can be directly linked to here:

And the Dawn - New Beginnings theme card section can be directly linked to here:

If you would like your own Year Wheel Reading for 2025, please reach out. I will be taking orders for these readings soon!

Join me on my Facebook page too at

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