We come up to June. From the Power of Surrender oracle cards. We see the back of the deck is a beautiful sort of seaside view and we get the card…
Surrender Defensiveness
We come once again into a bit of Sword stuff. The image makes me think of Samurai energy but there may be a vastly different country or name associated with it. If you know what it is please let me know. It looks to be a woman in traditional sort of warrior dress, definitely it is a swords-person. There is light behind, there is shadow, and there are trees. There is light, there is dark, and there could almost be flame as well. There is also that working of the sword. She is in motion – she has just brought the sword down and is working with it in position.
Let me read what it says on this card:
“Surrender defensiveness - Defensiveness is a sign of weakness. To communicate in a more empowered way, stay centered and hear someone out – then offer a clear, non-defensive response.”
This is similar to what we had earlier in the year leading up to this point and to this June card. We had Sword cards earlier in the year, then the Hearing Messages from Spirit card. We had wise seeing and action as well as more of the Air suit with the Owl card. Now we get another Sword but from a different perspective. Surrendering Defensiveness - Notice when you get defensive. Why? What does it bring up? Why is it important to you? Why does it happen? Why does it happen for other people? Notice it. It does not mean you have to act on it but you do get to notice.
Read the card’s words again: “Defensiveness is a sign of weakness. To communicate in a more empowered way, stay centered and hear someone out – then offer a clear, non-defensive response.”
That is pretty much a lot of what we've talked about with the earlier year Sword cards. Choosing, listening, and noticing. We also have the Spirit of Earth card playing from October saying to be empowered is to be centered, to be connected in with the ground. It reminds to not let the swords fly all over the place.
Coming to this point in the year, it is coming up to Solstice, it is halfway through the year, almost - getting to that halfway point… Where are you defensive about something? What is happening that is bringing up defensiveness for you? Maybe you have already worked on it previously and this is a reminder now. Maybe this is allowing you to see other skills, that when there isn't that defensiveness those other skills can come up to be worked with and to be utilized. It talks about communication. We know that in June communication comes again to us but in a different way. It comes to say communicating in empowered ways but non-defensively. You will be heard differently. You will feel and respond differently, when you are empowered and not defensive.
I feel too that in June, this is going to be about looking at how a lot of humanity makes those responses. How people do respond defensively and when it is valid, when it's valuable, and when it really reflects something personal that is still in the works. These could be works of healing, works of noticing, works of just being aware of “this is me and how I communicate” and “because of this”, or “I don't know why but I know I respond this way”, or even “I know I respond with defensiveness, I know I pull out the swords”. It reminds us to bring in the perspective of “let me be aware of that for me” and “why is it important for me or what is necessary for me?”
Like all tools there are valid, valuable aspects. Any tool has this and any element too. Then there are other parts that can be too much, can be overpowering and out of balance. We love air! We all need air as humans. It is valuable and necessary. When it becomes intense wind at super high levels, it shifts and changes things, becoming really challenging for humans, and often very difficult for a lot of nature too.
We need that balance and so the Swords are a representation of that. It is a representation that reminds you to not just start flinging all your swords around or to be causing “stabby stabby” energy with defensiveness. That is what this card is - Surrendering Defensiveness - and then what comes in its place… This is giving you that opportunity that instead of being a sign of weakness with defensiveness you are going to get empowered. You are going to have communication available. You are going to have centering. You are going to be able to listen to others and to then give a response. These are all valid, valuable, alternatives to defensiveness.
Lets look at these again through this card. They are tools. They are tools you have available to you. You have skills also, to work with those tools, some of them you already know and some of them you are working on. You can make yourself aware of which are your skills. You are looking at instead of staying with defensiveness as it is a sign of weakness according to this card, you are invited to surrender it. As you surrender it you move in to empowering and self-empowerment. You move into having communication that is empowered, having communication that is centered. This allows you to listen and to then respond in a non-defensive way. To respond from centered, balanced, and empowered with tools, with options, and with choices. There is a lot that is really valuable and beautifully powerful in that.
A bit like we saw in one of the earlier cards of the Year Wheel, you can look at where there may be parts of “stone” or resembling stone, stone-like, in this. It may be bringing awareness that it time to say “okay let me break apart that stone and see what's underneath or see what's within”. Noticing when you have always done it one way but now you can tell there is something else. Or as if a group of people have always done it one way but this is now an option. Simply noticing that becomes huge and empowering, and very important.
So that's June… Surrendering Defensiveness.
Peace & Love,
BlueWater Oracle
The Surrender Defensiveness card is from the Power of Surrender Cards by Dr. Judith Orloff, published by Hay House. Thank you for the wisdom through your cards!
This is the written edited version of my June video reading. Check out all the insights and reading messages my Year Wheel video. Here is the direct link to the June card reading section: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vo5bfj1h2M4&t=2828s
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