Originally posted and published June 14 2017 on my original bluewateroracle.com website.
Dragonfly Visits
Stand still awhile it said, and breathe.
There is no need to rush about.
No need to feel lost in the wild of the morning.
Let the cool air allow you to feel the warmth,
and welcome in the moment,
welcome in the connection.
And I breathed deeply in gratitude,
savouring our time together,
in wonder at this visitor who chose me
to travel with for a space in time,
an experience in life,
a symbol in the journey, and a reminder as magical
as his intricate wings
and deep visioned eyes.
This beautiful dragonfly let me move him from a hazardous space on a busy morning here at home. The temperature had dropped significantly overnight so I think he was a little slower than usual and enjoyed the warmth of my hand. What a wonderful time together, even walking through the house to get my phone for pictures, and then taking him to the back garden area where they often fly and land on the wild blackberry bushes. For those of you who have followed me recently, there is a strong dragonfly theme present and this was another amazing confirmation. Thank you to the dragonfly and the fairies for bringing him to me.